Itamar Gov is an artist in residence at the Kulturakademie Tarabya (25/06/2024)

Itamar Gov is an artist in residence at the Kulturakademie Tarabya from June to September 2024.


Itamar Gov is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice consists of sculptural and spatial installations as well as graphic and video works. His projects deal with the complex relationships between history, ideology and aesthetics, exploring various forms of personal, collective and institutional memory. His works are based on ongoing research and revolve around the intersection of art and politics, emphasizing the strong tension between what is known and what is assumed, questioning any assumption of clear boundaries between fact and falsehood, reality and imagination. Gov has recently exhibited his work at the Salzburger Kunstverein, the Kunstverein Hannover, the Kunsthalle Mannheim, the Mattatotio in Rome and the Zilberman Gallery. He was a member of the curatorial teams of documenta 14 (Kassel and Athens), the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin) and the Fondazione Adolfo Pini (Milan), among others, and received residency grants at the Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris) and the Nordic Artists' Centre (Dale).


The German-Turkish co-production fellowships are awarded in cooperation with the Allianz Foundation.