Azade Köker at the exhibition Resonating Tides,  curated by Janet Bellotto (03/01/2024)

Water is a powerful force that connects humans to each other and to the planet. Forever an essential resource, water can also be an existential threat. On land, rising temperatures open the potential of desertification, while rising sea levels endanger future life on earth. Curated by Janet Bellotto, this exhibition presents artworks by 11 women artists highlighting stories that resonate between land and sea. They call us to action. Resonating Tides urges us to work towards a more just and sustainable world, with women at the center of transformation, creating hope for our shared future. The exhibition takes place at Women's pavilion of Expo City Dubai from December 13, 2023 to March 3, 2024. Azade Köker’s Deep Dive explores what waste encroaches on today, where the surface first appears as a mesmerizing marine environment. The repetitive skull pattern, as if toxic, the dilution of the flow, destroys that which naturally exists and is gravely impacted.

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Image: Azade Köker, Deep Dive, 2020, Mixed media on canvas, 130 x 400 cm (diptych)