Zeynep Kayan, together with Noor Abed, held an open rehearsal titled “to her, and with her” during the Rijksakademie Open Studio days (31/05/2024)

Zeynep Kayan shared her artistic practice and presenting works emerging from a period of producing new works during the Rijksakademie Open Studio days on 30 May – 2 June 2024. Kayan, together with Noor Abed, held an open rehearsal titled “to her, and with her” on May 31. 


In the midst of the genocide we are witnessing for over seven months – perpetrated by the zionist state and imperial powers – we found ourselves naturally writing letters to each other; on friendship, on what is to be done, on cultivating hope and a space for creation. Through improvisation, the performance reflects a space in the making; a correspondence of sound and scenes in creation. Holding the very present moment in a stream of our unconscious, on continuous grief, death, friendship, and ways of being and acting together. 

